The Uttar Pradesh Government had recently announced the UP Varasat Abhiyan. This is a unique initiative launched by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath. This UP Varasat Abhiyan scheme is going on in the state of Uttar Pradesh, and this scheme is basically for the update process of land/property records.
The UP Varasat Abhiyan was Launched to counter all land-related issues in rural and urban areas.
General Information about UP Varasat Abhiyan
Name of the Scheme | UP Varsat Abhiyan |
Scheme Under | Government of Uttar Pradesh |
Launched by | Shri Yogi Adityanath |
Beneficiary | Citizens of Uttar Pradesh |
Aim of the Scheme | Resolving land/ property issues |
Helpline Number | 0522-2620477 |
Official website | |
Role of Varasat Abhiyan in Updating Land Records.
The Varasat Abhiyan is Launched to resolve the land and property issues of the state, as this is the main aim to launch such a scheme.
As per records, there is a total of 1,08,000 cases related to land records in the rural areas of the state of Uttar Pradesh.
This scheme is also beneficial to find out the corruption in the land records done by the Lekhpal of the land records department.
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Eligibility of Varasat Abhiyan scheme 2020.
The applicant who needs to update their land records online in the Varsat Abhiyan Scheme 2020 must fulfill the following conditions-
- The applicant must be a resident of the state of Uttar Pradesh.
- The applicant must have the original documents of the land/property.
- The applicant must own land in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Documents need to apply for Varasat Abhiyan scheme.
If an applicant wants to update his land records he must have the following documents with him-
- Original land records
- Aadhar card of the owner
- Bank passbook
- Land/property tax records of the property.
How to apply for Varasat Abhiyan Online.
The applicant who wants to apply or update their land details or property details under the UP Varasat Abhiyan must have to follow the steps-
Step 1- Go to the official website of UP Varasat Abhiyan under UP Revenue Department –
Step 2- Scroll down and log in to the portal under the option- Apply here.
Step 3- You will be redirected to another page where you need to enter your mobile number.
Step 4- An OTP code will be generated and sent to your Mobile Number.
Step 5- Enter your OTP and CAPTCHA code.
Step 6- The application form will be open in front of you.
Step 7- Fill the application form and upload your necessary documents
Step 8 – click on the submit button.
After the verification of your given data, your land/property details will be updated.
But the UP Varasat Abhiyan is only from 15 December 2020 to 15 February 2021.
In case of the government announced its re-application process in the future, we will update it here, so keep your eye on our site.
UP Varasat Abhiyan Important Dates.
The important dates related to this UP Varasat Abhiyan are-
- Application starting Date- 15th December,2020
- Last date for Application Form- 15th February 2021.
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UP Varasat Abhiyan helpline number.
In case of any problem and for queries the helpline number for this UP VARASAT ABHIYAN are-
Helpline Number- 0522-2620477
Official Website | Visit Here |
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