Varanasi sanitation plan

Varanasi is a city that is known for religious work and if you actually want to feel the beauty of this city then understanding the plan of Sanitation is very important and for that, all the important information regarding the Varanasi sanitation plan is given below. 

So, stick with this article until the end and read about the Varanasi sanitation plan. 


What is city Sanitation?

City sanitation is among one of the most important planning for the City sanitation development sector. It includes the mission, vision, and goals to approach better sanitation in the city. City Sanitation is nothing but only proper implementation of sanitation facilities around the city. 

City sanitation involves a lot of planning, including all the data that helps in practical decision making in the sanitation Program and also helps us to know where stress areas or risks are highest.


The most important goals of the city Sanitation plan are-

● To improve city sanitation through better plans and targets.


● To interact with various authorities like municipal authorities, the private sector, NGOs, and

the local population to create a better sanitation system.


● To create a better management approach for the sewerage, solid waste management, and stormwater management.

● To create better and effective national and local sanitation policies.


So, to solve all those problems and to meet all those goals we try to provide you full information on the Varanasi sanitation plan. 

National Urban Sanitation Policy.

Sanitation is the management of human excreta, including safe confinement, treatment, disposal, and related hygiene practice. While the National Urban Sanitation Policy is Confined to the management of human excreta and associated public health. 


It was found that solutions were Varanasi sanitation plan needed for the management of the elements hazardous for the human health and environment like

● Solid waste management


● Generation of industrial waste

● Hazardous waste


● Drainage

Goals of National Urban Sanitation Policy

The cities and towns (Urban areas) become sanitized and healthy so the cities can be believable, and this will also ensure and sustain good public health for the citizens. The program also focused on creating and providing affordable sanitation facilities for women and poor people.


The policy of Varasani Sanitation plan has goals, which are

● Generating awareness about sanitation and public health among the society.


● All urban citizens will have access to and use safe and hygienic sanitation systems, and no one should defecate in the open.

● Providing access to proper sanitation to poor people.


● All human excreta and liquid wastes must be disposed of safely.

Need of the National Urban Sanitation Policy

Achieve a perfect sanitation system in the cities, this policy needs to be created because of the –


● Poor public awareness, as sanitation is always a lower priority to the poor people as they don’t know the importance of proper sanitation.

● Lack of better and cost-effective sanitation solutions.


● Improper integrated urban approach as sanitation investment was planned only for small amounts but for best, safe and complete disposal of the waste it needs to be planned well.

What is the Goal of the Varanasi City Sanitation Plan?

The Indian Ministry of Urban Development officially launched the National Urban Sanitation Policy on November 12, 2008. That’s why the Varanasi sanitation plan is important and that goal is the proper sanitation and healthy life of urban citizens. It also aims to provide an affordable sanitation facility for urban poor and women.


Some goals of the Varanasi City sanitation Plan are-

● Creating awareness and behavior change.


● 100% clean sanitation facilitated the city

● Providing best class sanitation facilities among the city


Sanitation Ranking of Varanasi.

Varanasi is one of the most ancient cities in Indian history. It is believed that the origin of this city lies somewhere around the 11th century B.C. At the present day, it is regarded as the spiritual capital of India. 

It is a sacred place of Hindus where people bathe in the Ganges river’s sacred water and also perform last rites, and the city contains more than 2000 temples, including the most famous Kashi Vishwanath temple is dedicated to the Hindu god shiva.


But the NUSP ranking of this city was disturbing. When NUSP ranked Indian cities on the basis of their criteria, this city ranked very low. With an overall score of 27.084, the city falls into the red category.

This means the city has extremely poor sanitation facilities and poor public healthcare services. So, this city actually needs a Varanasi sanitation plan. There is an environmental emergency in the city. The city requires immediate remedial actions it.


What are Sanitation issues in Varanasi?

There are lots of sanitation issues in the city of Varanasi. Some key issues which they going to cover in the Varanasi sanitation plan are – 

● Access to toilets


Public toilets around the city were improper and poorly managed. Some people also don’t have access to the toilets. As a result, open Defecation has been done in the city, affecting the health and environment.

● Stormwater management


Improper sewerage systems in the urban areas and poor connectivity of the sewerage and the system resulted in improper septage management. This also results in septic tank overflow in the open spaces and stormwater drains.

● Improper sewage treatment facilities.


Performance deficiency of the sewerage system treatment plants due to low influent organic load.

● Improper solid waste management.


Poor infrastructure for the processing and disposal of solid waste can also be harmful. If the waste spills out, leading to unhygienic conditions and can cause various health issues. Dumping solid waste into drainage systems will pollute water and the sewerage system which can be choked.

● Lack of specialized waste management techniques.


In Varanasi, the biggest issue is poor or improper waste management techniques in the areas like temples, ghats, slums, kinds, rivers.

● Poor sewage water management


The sewerage system is poorly connected; as a result, sewage overflow is common and results in spreading unhygienic conditions in the city. During the rainy season, the conditions become worse.

● Institutional and governance


Poor institutional management setups for sanitation work and management in the city, which failed the sanitation program. A long-term capacity team must be set up to tackle such issues.

● Poor financial management systems


Poor financial planning and the management of the sanitation work are some of the key issues that resulted in the poor sanitation facilities in Varanasi. This issue reduces the potential of the sanitation work program.

About City Sanitation Plan in Varanasi

If you are eager to know about the Varanasi sanitation plan, then important information is given below. 


There are various plans for the sanitation of Varanasi. One of them is the NIRMAL KASHI program that aims immediate goals are

● Ghat cleaning campaign


● Mass awareness program

● Pilot programs


● Zero tolerance areas

Short terms goals are


● School sanitation

● Provisional sanitation- 100% clean Varanasi


● Door to door waste collection

● Institutionalizing and regularisation of septage management.


Middle term goals

● Scientific septage management


● People landfill generation

● Composting plant


● Stormwater management

Long term goals-


● Making a capacity building and maintaining of the. infrastructure.

How to download a draft of Varanasi city Sanitation.

1. Open your web browser on your device


2. Search Varanasi City sanitation Plan

3. You get a PDF and you have to click on it to download the Varanasi sanitation plan.


Last Words

If you reach this section then I think you read this article until the end and now you are able to understand about Varanasi sanitation plan. Keep in mind that this is one of the important plans, and you have to read the whole information about this plan. 

So, if this article is able to provide you complete information about the Varanasi sanitation plan then do not forget to share this article, and if possible then leave your valuable comment below. 


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